Clomid, also famous by its scientific name, clomiphene citrate was initially produced as a medication for treating women with several fertility issues but it soon gained attention of professional bodybuilders, competitors, and athletes to bring their hormonal production back to normal while restoring the production of testosterone in the body. Consuming steroids helps in enhancing physique, but comes at the cost of health risks and side effects such as testosterone suppression or gynecomastia. People find clomid for sale as it is consumed during the off cycle period as a PCT to retain lean muscle mass while reducing the side effects caused by anabolic steroids. By the end of this guide, you will have a complete knowledge about the best source to buy clomid online.
Benefits of Clomid during PCT:

Muscle mass retention: Clomid helps in restoring the production of testosterone in the body while with balanced testosterone levels, users experience strength rise which is required to retain lean muscle mass and push the body to its maximum retention limit.
Restoration of Hormones: Consuming clomid during pct helps to increase the release of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones releases resulting in a boost of testosterone production. Consuming clomid helps to stabilize hormonal balance and helps to restore the suppressed testosterone production.
Speedy recovery: When the users stop consuming steroids after completing a cycle, the body is under stress and users might experience reduced energy whereas using clomid as a pct helps to reduce the recovery time when off-steroid cycle.
Reduces estrogen: Clomid helps to reduce the raised estrogen levels, caused by consuming anabolic steroids. With reduced estrogen, prevention against gynecomastia is the first job of clomid in the body.
Free off side effects: As per the past users experience reports, clomid can be categorized into the safest drugs with no side effects if consumed as per the recommendations.
Restore testicular atrophy: There are certain anabolic steroids that make the users experience testicular atrophy, shrinkage, and disturbed hormonal balance. Using Clomid as PCT helps to reverse atrophy or shrinkage of testicles.
Why is PCT important:
PCT is a protocol that almost all steroid users need to follow for recovering from the side effects. Although steroids help to boost performance but come with certain side effects and problems that can only be prevented or reversed with PCT.
During post-cycle therapy, it is important to workout based on your condition. Some users suffer from withdrawal symptoms caused by the state of shock in the body. It is important to give proper time to the body and the exact recovery speed varies from person to person based on their condition, training program, diet, and the steroid consumed.
Side Effects of Clomid:
Clomid is known as being one of the safest drugs for pct but it is always advised to stick with safe consumption and proper cycles. Abusive usage can lead to health problem such as:

- Swollen breast,
- Headaches,
- Mood swings,
- Nausea,
- Vomiting,
- Anger problems.
- Disturbed sleep cycles.
- Muscular and joint pain.
- Anxiety and depression.
- Visual disturbances.
- Elevated blood pressure and cholesterol.
The above mentioned side effects are experienced by clomid users who misuse it or run more than recommended cycles. With safe consumption, most of the mentioned side effects can be avoided while gaining the maximum post-cycle therapy benefits.
Routine to follow for maximum results:
When running a clomid pct cycle, the results for each person vary based on factors such as steroids consumed, cycle length,medical condition, gender, testosterone levels, and past steroid history but keeping the below mentioned factors should be incorporated in PCT routine to maximize results:
- Calculated diet plan:
To maximize results of PCT, it is important to ensure good food consumption. It is recommended to consume more than maintenance calories during PCT to avoid muscle loss. Men are usually suggested to consume between 3000 to 4000 calories while women are advised to consume 2000 to 3000 calories roughly to get maximum results.
It is also important to consider that the source of food is healthy and the food consumed for surplus calories should be rich in protein and fiber. Eating processed or junk food can slow the recovery pace and reduce results.
- Good sleep and rest:
During Pct the body is under a state of shock and users experience inner disturbance caused due to the withdrawal from steroids. Some users do experience sleep issues in the initial days of PCT but it is important to incorporate a proper rest and sleep routine to get maximum results. Fulfilling the body’s need of 8 to 10 hours of quality night sleep helps to recover faster and ensure that the body is not overworked during recovery.
- Consistent workout schedule:
During the off-cycle period, some steroid users experience a lack of energy leading to skipping workouts and low energy levels. It is important to follow a consistent routine with clomid as in a few days, the body adapts with PCT and helps to retain lean muscle mass while providing maximum energy boost. Safe consumption of clomid leads to enhanced strength and stamina, required to perform intense workout sessions. Getting help from a medical practitioner or expert for consuming essential vitamins and supplements helps to speed up the recovery.
Recommended cycles:
To reduce side effects while experiencing maximum recovery, following a proper duration and timing of clomid pct plays an important role. The recommended cycle lengthy for each person is dependent on steroid cycle, medical condition, gender, physiology, and testosterone levels. A normal clomid cycle ranges from 4 to 6 weeks. With proper usage during PCT, clomid helps to enhance energy, raise strength, boost stamina, and prevent muscle loss.
Buying authentic clomid and other PCT options online:

When buying PCT online, it is crucial to find a legit seller with a range of products. With the online market full of scammers, it is recommended to buy only from a reputed seller such as the Anabolic Store. With a complete range of steroids, PCT, and testosterone boosters, they also offer safe payment measures, excellent customer support, fast shipment, and medical guidance to make people get maximum benefits once they buy pct online.
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